A deeper look at what happens during the Lenten Scrutinies, and a run through of the Mass readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent.
Beginning on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, look for my reflections on the Easter Triduum at he St. John Bosco Parish, Port Chester, NY Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@donboscoportchester651
A new video will be posted each day covering Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil.
Announcing the opening of the new Sr. Maruja Causa Media Center and Studio at St. John Bosco Parish. Also, the Lenten Days of Prayer in English, produced in the new studio, will be uploaded starting on March 29. We will have three shows covering the three days of the Easter Triduum, a new video dropped each day between the 29th and 31st, hosted by Yours Truly.
Also, doubling back on some things I forgot to mention about the movie "Jesus Revolution" and the Lenten Scrutinies.
In which we discuss the nature of the Lenten Scrutinies, and what they have to do with the candidates for baptism (Catechumens) and those who are baptized a well. We'll have a discussion of Catholic sexual ethics, why its not a fringe issue, and why the discussion is often taken up with outdated arguments.