Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fr. Barron comments on Is Hell Crowded or Empty?

I know it looks like I'm shilling for Fr. Barron, but I got an e-mail from a Salesian about a popular book about hell by an evangelical preacher named Rob Hill.  I Saw that Padre Steve put this video up on Da Mihi Animas about Hill's book and figured it was my cue to weigh in myself.  I will eventually; I'm in the middle of reading the Pope's latest volume "Jesus of Nazareth: Part 2,"  and will comment on that first.  Until then, Robert Barron's thoughts on the subject.

1 comment:

Br. Tom said...

Good video. I'm glad to see that the Church is getting in on the discussion.

It's a little difficult to figure out what exactly Rob Hill believes. He seems to put forward a Universalist argument, but at the same time he claims that he isn't a Universalist. He says he believes in hell and describes it in his book, but it isn't the hell we've all grown up with. I'm only half way through the book at this time, so perhaps I'll understand where he's coming from when I'm through.