Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Salt+Light: First three days of the Pope in Cuba - Perspectives Daily

The Pope arrives in Washington this afternoon, but here is a recap of the Holy Father's just concluded visit to Cuba from Canada's Salt and Light network. I'll have more to say about Francis' apostolic visit as it unfolds over the next days.

Francis is the fourth pope to visit the U. S., but with the possible exception of St. John Paul II's first visit to the States in 1979, none has been so anticipated, and I don't believe that any has been so controversial in it's lead up. Will the pope talk about global warming? Will be criticize capitalism? Will he denounce gay marriage and abortion? He will be the first pope to address a joint session of the United States Congress, and already one Republican congressman (a Catholic, by the way) has said he will boycott the speech because of the Holy Father's stance on climate change. He will also address the General Assembly of the U.N., a tradition going back to Paul VI in 1965, during the first ever papal visit to the New World. Many in the political world, both right and left are eager to hear what the Argentine pope has to say.

Pope Francis' reason for coming to the United States is the World Meeting of Families taking place in Philadelphia over the weekend. This gathering can be seen as the kick off for the Synod of Bishops in October, which, like last year's synod, will be concerned with the challenges facing the families and the Church's mission to evangelize in the modern social context. So there will be much to think about.

For now, here's the rundown on the Pope's visit to Cuba.

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