Wednesday, January 11, 2017

On Retreat

LIBERTYVILLE, IL - No, I haven't gone fishing. It's more like "gone praying." I'm off on retreat with the Conventual Franciscans at the Marytown Retreat Center, also known for its National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe.   I'll be praying for all of you, and ask you to do the same for me. 

As far as the blog goes, I'm working on a post about the Amazon Prime series The Man in the High Castle, and it's treatment of Christianity. I found that the show gives a positive spin to religion and spirituality in general, but misses the mark when it comes to Jesus and the Church. I'm also preparing a follow up for a piece I did on Mary, the Mother of God last week. I'll be discussing the Our Lady's role as mother and wife.

I experimented a few years back with doing video segments and posting them here and on Youtube. I stopped, mainly because I found that they were just as time consuming to prepare, if not more so, than these written posts. And these were nothing fancy - prepared with just the hardware and software that came with the computer. At lunch today a man who works in the development office here out of nowhere told me that he had seen the videos. My wise guy response was, "Oh, so you're the one!" I explained my time problem, and he said, "Yeah, I know, you mentioned that in one of the videos, but you never know who you touch by those things." It got me thinking, and while I'm not making any New Year's resolution, don't be surprised if I don't give the video revolution another try. 

OK, that's all for now. If I see something from the Apostleship of Prayer or Bishop Barron I might post it, but otherwise, see you next week, and keep me in prayer. I'll be keeping you in mine.

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