Wednesday, August 30, 2017

St. John Bosco parish Bulletin Letter: September 3, 2017

This weekend we celebrate Labor Day, a civil holiday that traditionally marks the unofficial end of summer. Some schools haven’t started their new year yet, and many families are taking one last opportunity to enjoy a camping trip or visit to the beach, as well as getting in one last summer cookout. The point of this observance is to remember that while work is important and good, we should also take time to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

For the Christian work is a way that we use our talents and abilities to support our families and to promote the common good of society. Work is a part of God's plan for humanity from the beginning. The Book of Genesis tells us that God didn’t permit the rain to fall until there were humans to till the earth. But Labor Day, much like the Sunday rest we are called to every week, is a reminder that we are called to work, but not be slaves. God created us free people. We are to work hard, but we need to always remember why we work. We work to cooperate with God, who calls us to be stewards of the earth. We work to develop our God given talents for the good of ourselves, our neighbor and society. When we become obsessed with money or things we can either work constantly, neglecting our family and our faith life. On the other side, if we are a business owner or a “boss,” we can exploit workers, forcing them to work on Sundays, for instance, making them have to choose between their legitimate responsibility to support their families and their responsibility to adore God on Sundays. 

I hope all of you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend. As we observe this civil holiday, may we remember the value of work, and also the importance of taking the time to honor God and enjoying the blessings we have received.  


Anonymous said...

Hi Fr. Tom I just wanted to comment on your entry for Labor Day. Even though I am no longer a Catholic, I still enjoy reading your posts and fidn them extremely inspirational and uplifting. Also not sure if you're taking requests, but maybe you could do something for Padre Pio for his feast day? The picture of him at St. Anthony's in Elizabeth has been taken from the wall and as a remembrance it would be great one of your snazzy entries.

Assistant Editor said...

Dear Fr Tom, are you contactable by email to ask if i could reprint any of your blogs?

Fr. Tom Provenzano, SDB said...

I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. You can contact me at