Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bulletin Letter for Sunday, October 31

After a long wait the day of my formal installation as your pastor has arrived.  It is with deep humility that I celebrate this day with you all. It would be a mistake to think that today is about me though. We have a great parish community here in the Berg, and it’s a day to celebrate St. Anthony’s; to remember the past and work together to build a solid future.

I think of the great men who came before me; Fr. Dominic Battistello, Fr. A.J. Lewis, Fr. August Bosio, Fr. Alvin Manni, Fr. Joe Maffei, Fr. Vince Zuliani, Fr. Don Delaney and, of course Fr. Pat Diver (and this is only a partial list of our previous pastors!).  I also am reminded of Fr. John Murphy, still so deeply loved, who pioneered the mission among the Hispanic community here in Peterstown. When I contemplate these men of God who dedicated their lives to the Salesian mission here at St. Anthony’s it reminds me that I’m truly standing on the shoulders of giants.  It’s like something Ronald Reagan said about the presidency; no one owns the office but is its protector, insuring that the past is respected and that the future is provided for.  Then, when his time of service comes to an end, he hands the burdens of responsibility on to another.  I am but a part of that line of service that will continue long after my time here ends.

This is also a day to celebrate St. Anthony’s.  Yes we remember the past, but we must believe that the best days of our parish lie ahead of us.  Our future will not be secured by trying to recreate the past, instead we need to look at the reality of the Berg as it is now and respond to the present reality with courage and faith.  This can only happen if we all work together with one, single minded goal; the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In today’s Gospel reading from St. Luke Jesus calls Zacchaeus to turn from a life of sin to full communion with the faith community.  Zacchaeus had this desire in his heart already, but needed the invitation for the Lord to come down from the tree and repent.  How many in our neighborhood, especially young people, are living without Christ in their lives, but have the desire for something more burning in their hearts?  Maybe all they need is the invitation from us to return to the fold.  May we be that welcoming community in the name of the Lord.

It is in this spirit that I formally assume the responsibility of being your pastor.  My goal is to build on the foundations made before me, and to also look ahead to the growth of our community into the future.  This is not something I can do alone.  I will need the help of the entire St. Anthony’s community.  In the end, it’s your parish, and I know that with the grace of God greater things than we can possibly imagine are possible. 

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