Friday, October 29, 2010

World Series Game 2

I've been working on the sermon for Sunday, and I need to distract my self a little at this point, so I'll turn to last nights game.

Once again your intrepid reporter had to use creative measures to circumvent the Fox / Cablevision black out up here (Thank you Applebee's for having Direct TV).  As a side note, I'm really not sure who's right or wrong on this one, and I'm at a point where I just don't care anymore.  There has to be a better way of resolving this than punishing the people.

So I picked up the game in the 7th inning, and as I'm driving along Route 9 it was still a tight contest.  By the time I walked between the car and the restaurant the whole thing had unravelled quicker than Charlie Sheen at the Plaza.  The Texas relievers couldn't find the plate with a G.P.S., then once they recalculated the light hitting Giants started playing T-Ball with them.  Now they decide to fall apart? They couldn't have done it last round against the Yankees?
The ratings are down again for the Series, which comes as no surprise.  There's a debate over how the 3 million households blocked from getting Fox in New York/New Jersey/ Philadelphia have impacted the numbers.

The Yankee haters in the media like ESPN's Jim Caple go on and on about how it's good for the game that new teams get into the Fall Classic, which in one sense is true.  But numbers don't lie; unless New York, Boston, St. Louis and maybe Atlanta are in the mix somehow, people outside the participating cities don't watch.  Only geeks like me will sneak out of the house to catch a couple of innings between two teams they care little about just because they love baseball. I mean the game was beaten in the ratings by a new sitcom featuring William Shatner, who long ago gave up acting for self parody.  I shutter to think about what happens Sunday when they go up against the NFL.  Roger Goodell isn't givin' em' a pass like he did last year.  No, my friends, this week it's Steelers vs Saints, and I can hear Faith Hill warming up her vocal cords already.  I'd be shocked if Bud Selig watched the Series over that match up.   We'll find out what America's Past Time is for real once the overnight's come out Monday.

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